What is the "Engagement" session about?
The purpose of the "Engagement" piece of Base Camp is for participants to learn to create a plan for student engagement in ANY modality!
All Base Camp participants:
All Base Camp participants:
- Identify opportunities for engagement in their course based on your course map/outline developed in the "Organization" module.
- Select native Canvas tools that will support student engagement in your course.
- Investigate 3rd party tools for the potential to support student engagement in your course.
- Share one strategy or activity to engage your students (with other students, the instructor, OR the content). *
* Whenever you find yourself thinking through the design of your course, it's always helpful to use colleagues as a sounding board. To this end, we recommend that you have an informal professional learning network (PLN) - a small group that can get together on occasion to brainstorm.
In every one of the Base Camp sessions, participants contribute a student engagement idea or activity to a Google slide deck.* Once the activity is completed, there is an accompanying discussion where colleagues can share their impressions, questions, ideas for improvement, or any other comments they may want to share.
The following is the result of contributions thus far from all of the Base Camp sessions - enjoy!
Participating in Base Camp affords you the opportunity to explore new ways to engage students across multiple teaching modalities, and to confer with the CTLA Canvas and instructional design experts if you need a little help. It also provides a chance to work with a small group of peers to share ideas.
Here is what faculty participants from previous Base Camps had to say about the Instruction session:
Here is what faculty participants from previous Base Camps had to say about the Instruction session: