What is the "Instruction" session about?
The purpose of the "Instruction" portion of Base Camp is to learn how to create instructional content that you can use in ANY modality!!
All Base Camp participants:
- Outline a plan for content delivery in any of the multiple modalities.
- Complete a graphic organizer with the details of the plan for each modality.
- Explore tools and techniques for creating instructional content (e.g., screencasting, embedding media, uploading external files, linking outside materials, editing content with accessibility tools, etc.).
- Share ideas with colleagues! *
* The final activity of the 4-day Base Camp training is participant sharing of the videos that they have created. Below you will find a few videos that were posted by your CGCC colleagues!
Vocal Jazz Virtual Choir
by Joe Johnston [Screencast-o-matic] |
Tips for a Successful First Week
by Virginia Edwards [iPhone, PPT, Green screen, Camtasia] |
Intro to Instructor & Course
by Mary Loose [iPhone] |
Orientation video
by Thomas Shoemaker [Screencastify] |
Intro to Module 1
by Jeremy Rasmussen [Videoscribe] |
Participating in Base Camp affords you the opportunity to explore new ways to deliver content across multiple teaching modalities, and to confer with the CTLA Canvas and instructional design experts if you need a little help. It also provides a chance to work with a small group of peers to share ideas.
Here is what faculty participants from previous Base Camps had to say about the Instruction session: |