What is the "Measuring Learning" session about?
The purpose of the "Measuring Student Learning" portion of Base Camp is to lay out the what, when, where, and how of evaluating whether students are learning in your class.
What do we want (or need) students to learn in our course, and more to the point, how will we know that they have learned it? If they haven't learned what we expect them to learn, how do we improve our teaching so as to improve their learning?
Planning activities to measure learning
When planning your assessment activities, you always want to be thinking, "What's the end goal? What do I want them to learn?" The term "backward design" means just that - start with the end goal, then create the components to always serve the purpose of getting students to that end goal.
All Base Camp participants:
This sketchnote on backward design was created by Johannes Toepfer. Click the image to read the blog post!
Participating in Base Camp affords you the opportunity to reflect on your course content, to target what/when/where/how to assess student learning, and to confer with the CTLA Canvas and instructional design experts if you need a little help.
Here is what faculty participants from previous Base Camps had to say about the Measuring Learning session:
Here is what faculty participants from previous Base Camps had to say about the Measuring Learning session: